Friday, September 12, 2008

Rain Man

IMDB Synopsis: Selfish yuppie Charlie Babbitt's father left a fortune to his savant brother Raymond and a pittance to Charlie; they travel cross-country

I've always heard people talk about this movie, and I've seen lots of references in movies and TV about it, but I've never actually seen it, until this weekend.  It was amazing.  Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman were both great. It started out really slowly, and I didn't think that I would like it, but as soon as Dustin Hoffman was on screen as Raymond, the movie picked up. Dustin did such a wonderful job that I actually started thinking that he truly was autistic.  This is a great movie for anyone to see, and if you haven't seen it yet, definitely go out and rent it.

8 out of 10.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Lake House

IMDB synopsis: A lonely doctor who once occupied an unusual lakeside home begins exchanging love letters with its former resident, a frustrated architect. They must try to unravel the mystery behind their extraordinary romance before it's too late.

This movie was... different. The actors were great, the script was great, the plot was a little odd, and it was full of strange coincidences. I originally thought that it was just a romantic drama, but soon learned that it was also a fantasy, and I guess it could even be considered sci-fi. I liked the idea of the two communicating through time, but I didn't like how certain things could be changed between the two times (like the flag on the mail box) while others couldn't (pretty much the whole ending). The ending really annoyed me, as it kicked the sci-fi part of me into over gear thinking about how impossible the events were. Putting the impossibilities aside though, it was a good movie, and a good romance movie to watch with your sweetie.

I give it a 7 out of 10.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Movie reviews

I've decided to make my own movie review blog, as I watch a lot of movies. I made a list of all my movies, and it turns out that I have over 500 DVDs, and that number keeps growing. Each weekend my fiancee and I usually rent a few movies, and I've decided to start writing reviews of them. These aren't proffessional reviews at all, just my honest opinion about the movie. I hope that this site will give one more opinion to help people decide if they wish to see the movies I've reviewed.